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Community News Issue 960 - dated 7/3/2025
Sell Our Souls or Save Our Souls?? If your one of those who have lived on the Mountain District for more than a few years, chances are you would have remembered Rev John Price whom along with running a Commercial Citrus Nursery at Somersby gave Anglican services at St Barnabas Church Yarramalong , The Union Church at Mangrove Mountain and the St Albans Anglican Church throughout the 70s 80s and 90s. John (now deceased) was a big fellow who enjoyed a beer and a chat but didn’t entertain fools for long and I am sure he would have had a…
The Little White Church I am a little white church sitting beside the road on a corner at Mangrove Mountain. Everyone who passes, and there are lots of people who do, know me well and thousands have taken comfort because I have been there for more than 100 years. A beacon on the hill that has stood for community continuity and goodwill for everyone for so long. While I was built at Mangrove Mountain, people from many other villages on the Central Coast Plateau know me well, have worshipped in me and know that I have a connection with people…
Hi Keith find a letter for the next edition of the Community News and no editing please If your one of those who have lived on the Mountain District for more than a few years, chances are you would have remembered Rev John Price whom along with running a Commercial Citrus Nursery at Somersby gave Anglican services at St Barnabas Church Yarramalong , The Union Church at Mangrove Mountain and the St Albans Anglican Church throughout the 70s 80s and 90s. John (now deceased) was a big fellow who enjoyed a beer and a chat but didn’t entertain fools for…
Mangrove Mountain & Districts Community News
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