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Community News Issue 960 - dated 7/3/2025
MEPCC The community CB radio emergency network proposal is progressing, with increasing interest from residents in the river communities, mountain districts and the valleys. Some communities have begun forming small teams to assist in the development of protocols and to manage the rollout if we are successful in obtaining funding under the Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Grants. If you would like to be involved or want to find out more please send an email to [email protected] with your enquiry and contact details. Once COVID restrictions are lifted the MEPCC will be able to hold an AGM for the election of…
Union Church Update 10th September 2021 By: Robert Meggs (4376 1217) On behalf of both the MMCG Inc and the MMUC Inc. The campaign to “Save the Mangrove Mountain Union Church” continues. We are working towards:- – Preventing the sale of the Mangrove Mountain Union Church (MMUC). – Stopping the winding-up of the MMUC Association by the Liquidator. – Returning the MMUC Association to management by, and for the benefit of, our local community. – Widening MMUC Association membership, thereby enabling more community involvement. We have now covered our initial account for legal services up to and including lodgement…
MMUC FAQs By: Past MMUC Committee Over recent weeks there has been much comment, speculation and at times misinformation circulated about the sale of the Mangrove Mountain Union Church property. To set the record straight, the answers to some of the frequently asked questions are below. Why take the drastic step of selling the Church? The decision to sell the Church was not made lightly. The committee members had all been actively involved in and loyal to the Church for many years, and it was with sadness and regret that the decision to sell was made. Ultimately, with little community…
Mangrove Mountain & Districts Community News
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