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Community News Issue 960 - dated 7/3/2025
MDA AGM 2022
Mountain Districts Association Notice of AGM Annual General Meeting Wednesday 9th March, 2022, 7pm Mangrove Mountain Memorial Club All welcome
NOTICE Mangrove Mountain & Districts Community Group AGM The Mangrove Mountain & Districts Community Group AGM will be held on March 3, 2022, commencing 8pm at Mangrove Hall. Nominations for the committee must be received by the Secretary at least 7 days prior to the AGM. The AGM will be preceeded by an ordinary meeting, commencing 7pm. All Welcome
The Little White Church on the Hill When I went to the Hall today I stopped to gaze at the Church on my way And I said “Hello” as I often do When someone or something reaches to you. I touched the sides of the oldish wood And feeling came of something good A strength, a beauty, I know not what The sun just risen, walls not even hot. Yet there it was, that intangible something, An echo of past times, a Ghost choir did sing? So it was that I stood there, my hand on the wall, There was…
Mangrove Mountain & Districts Community News
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