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Community News Issue 960 - dated 7/3/2025
Save the Date – Community BBQ – CN929
Sunday 24th Sept, 10am to 3pm at Mangrove Hall Community BBQ & opportunity to engage with your emergency services. Ask questions and get info on how to prepare for bushfires, floods and other emergencies. Speak to members of the RFS, SES, RedCross, MEPCC and other groups. Get info on the Emergency CB Radio Communications Network. Contribute to a Community Led Resilience and Disaster Response Plan
Union Church returns to the Community – CN929
Finally… The Mangrove Mountain Union Church is back in the hands of the community. The agreements have been signed, liquidators fees paid and the keys have been handed over. Now there is $13,000 outstanding on the $40,000 short term loans that enabled us to make settlement. If you have not already done so, please consider making a financial donation to the Mangrove Mountain Christian Group Inc. at Bendigo Bank, BSB 633-000, A/c 185477965. No amount is too small. We will shortly begin inviting local groups to start reusing the hall. Hiring inquiries for the property are most welcome. The next…
Mangrove Mountain & Districts Community News
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