Developing a Community Led Resilience plan Work has begun to gather the concerns, experiences and ideas of residents of the Mangrove Mountain and Districts community with the aim of developing a community led resilience and disaster preparation and response plan. The Red Cross notes “Recent global trends within emergency management have seen a shift towards…
Read MoreMEPCC The community CB radio emergency network proposal is progressing, with increasing interest from residents in the river communities, mountain districts and the valleys. Some communities have begun forming small teams to assist in the development of protocols and to manage the rollout if we are successful in obtaining funding under the Black Summer Bushfire…
Read MoreMangrove Emergency Planning & Communications Committee Inc. The MEPCC was established following the 1994 bush fires and based on recommendations made to the Royal Commission that followed. Two actions carried out by the MEPCC were the installation of a radio based emergency communications network and the establishment of a telephone tree system as the most…
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