HORSE AGISTMENT SUPERVISOR Full-time, permanent role $28.50 p/hr Tue to Sat, $71.25p/h for public holidays. Assist with co-ordinating the safe, efficient, and professional operation of the agistment centre. Day-to-day care of our agistment customers, their horses and maintaining the general appearance and upkeep of our agistment facilities. Sound horse knowledge and handling ability, excellent customer…
Read MoreHORSE-RIDING CENTRE MANAGER Full-time, permanent role Jointly manage the horse-riding centre. Supervise and maintain 200 horses and general upkeep of all equipment and facilities. Provide leadership, training & supervision of team members. Must have exceptional customer service, operational and team management skills. Good horse riding and horse handling capabilities highly beneficial. Full training and support…
Read MoreCLEARANCE SALE – Fence droppers, large farm gates $50, fencing equipment, irrigation equipment, nursery pots, elec fence insulation, generator, grease gun, post hole digger, weed matting, lots of other items. Ring Les 4373-1856
Read MoreFACTORY BAY FOR LEASE, 12m x 12m with bathroom and kitchenette with 20ft shipping container and large hard stand area located in commercial area of Peats Ridge, opposite Peats Ridge Shops. Enquiries 0438 695 600.
Read MoreDRAINAGE MATERIAL, certified crushed roof tiles. Delivery Charge only. Please phone 0438731015
Read MoreWATER LICENCE – 8 Ml underground licence available for lease 0422624257
Read MorePERSON to build sandstone wall & do landscaping 0422624257
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