Fundraiser to help family after horrific accident

This fund raiser has been sent up to help our friends Matthew Hall and Jade Bousfeld.
On Tuesday morning, 6th of February, there was a terrible accident involving three trucks and a ute along Peats Ridge Rd, Somersby which kept that section of road closed for 48hrs.
This accident involved Matthew Hall, a local, a friend and a father of four little children.
Unfortunately Matt was heavily involved in this accident, no fault of his own. He was just driving home from work on a usual Tuesday morning. He was trapped in his truck, had to get air lifted to hospital where he is in a very critical condition.
Matt is now on life support and his partner Jade has confirmed that the doctors have now said the next 24 hrs is very touch and go!
Matt & Jade have four little children all under the age of five years old.
Matt being self employed, they don’t have a lot of money and live week by week with Matt being the main provider.
I’m asking the community, to please support Jade and her four kids.
I’m asking that we all donate a little to help her out. Even a few dollars.
Any donations are appreciated as it will all help her families needs whilst they are going through this traumatic experience.
The best thing about living on the mountain is, we all pull together as a community to help each other out when in need.
Jade and her kids really need our help! My heart absolutely breaks for this family!

Donations can be made via the go fund me page I created this page to help a friend in need.
I continue to thinking, that could be me or anyone of us in her shoes.
Family is everything!

On behalf of Jade, Matt and their children. Thankyou! Thankyou to our wonderful Mangrove Mountain community for pulling together to help this poor family in need. Every cent of your donations will be used to help this family get back on their feet. In order to hit our target, the go fund me page is still open, so if you could spare a few dollars that would be amazing!

Much love, xx

Annemaree Colagiuri