Union Church Update
10th September 2021
By: Robert Meggs (4376 1217)
On behalf of both the MMCG Inc and the MMUC Inc.
The campaign to “Save the Mangrove Mountain Union Church” continues. We are working towards:-
– Preventing the sale of the Mangrove Mountain Union Church (MMUC).
– Stopping the winding-up of the MMUC Association by the Liquidator.
– Returning the MMUC Association to management by, and for the benefit of, our local community.
– Widening MMUC Association membership, thereby enabling more community involvement.
We have now covered our initial account for legal services up to and including lodgement of the Caveat over the Union Church land title. We are very grateful for the generous responses to our first financial appeal in order that this account could be settled. Our appreciation is also extended to those who have written/emailed to the Liquidator requesting that he renounce his appointment.
Our plan from here on is to seek advice on the Briefing and Engagement of a Barrister. Our Solicitor has advised that the terms of the original Trust Deed for the Union Church do not support the sale of the property. However, an action in the NSW Supreme Court maybe required to assert this position and will involve further significant expense.
We are now canvassing fundraising opportunities, but they are limited in the current Covid-19 lock-down environment. Continuing financial support for the “Save the Mangrove Mountain Church” campaign will be critical for the Church to remain a living and useful part of our community.
What can you do to help us?
1. If you would like to contribute financially to the campaign, donations can be made to the Mangrove Mountain Christian Group Inc at Bendigo Bank, BSB 633-000, A/c 185477965.
2. For anyone who would like to join the Mangrove Mountain Christian Group, we have membership application forms available. Joining fee is $1 and annual fees are $2. Please contact our Secretary by email to
3. You can also write/email a personal letter to the Liquidator Mr Barry Taylor, Restructuring & Risk Advisory, HLB Mann Judd, Level 19/207 Kent Street, SYDNEY NSW 2000 or by email to: Please do not be offensive in any letter to the Liquidator. This will not help our cause and may only serve to harden his heart. The letters should be civil and courteous. They should highlight any personal links that you have with the Union Church and how important it is to yourself and the local community that the Union Church continue to operate as it has done for the past 110 years. You could also say that there is strong community support and financial backing for the Church to continue operating and therefore you do not understand why the former committee chose to wind the Church up. A copy of your correspondence would be appreciated by either email to or post to MMCG c/-6 Waratah Road, Mangrove Mountain NSW 2250.
Together we can prevent the loss of the Union Church. We can receive it back into our community. And we can keep it safe for our heirs and newcomers to our district as was intended by the first Union Church Trustees 110 years ago.
Robert Meggs (4376 1217)
On behalf of both the MMCG Inc and the MMUC Inc.