A representative from the Central Coast Council of RSL Sub-Branches has submitted an application to have the Mangrove Mountain Union Church listed as a war memorial.
Before the Mangrove Mountain RSL/Mangrove Mountain Memorial Club were built, the Mangrove Mountain Union Church was a focal point for remembering and commemorating those locals who fought in the wars and those who lost their lives.
In the book “Every Mothers Son” by Michael Rooksberry, the importance of the church is made clear:

A special service was held at the church on Sunday morning, October 17, 1920 to unveil a memorial tablet commemorating the names of the men from Mangrove Mountain who were lost in World War 1.
The October 14, 1920 issue of The Gosford Times carried the following description of the ceremony…On Sunday last the Special Service in connection with the unveiling of a Memorial Tablet commemorating the names of the men from Mangrove Mountain who made the great sacrifice whilst on active service in the Great War, 1914-18, was held and was very largely attended by the residents of the district. A pleasing feature of the event was the large attendance of ex-members of the A.I.F. Mr John M. McDonald, of the Presbyterian Church of New South Wales, officiated and performed the ceremony of unveiling and dedicating the tablet. The service throughout was most impressive and will be remembered by all those who were present. Mr George T. Hunt ably presided at the organ.
Today there are two superb honour rolls on display on the north wall of the church. Both are done by hand, including the artwork, and are mounted in simple wooden frames. They each have the same ROLL OF HONOUR across the top with Mangrove Mtn. just beneath. This is followed by two columns of names.
The names on the left hand ‘roll’ as they appear and are spelt: A. W. Barns, H. E. Williams, Lieut. F. Seymoar, H. E. Grey, A. Greethead, S. A. Starkey, V. Pinkstone, H. Akers, A. J. Love, F.L. Young, R. W. Phelps, G. Wood. H. G. Hodson, A. Baiges, Sgt-Mjr Winterbottom. W. B. Kirk, M. Penn, R. Mackenzie, W. Robinson, G. Colman. H. Colman, R. Marongs, W. Harris, R. Grant, C. Lees, C. Akers, R. Gibson, A. Bushell, Mjr Hallard, H. Kimberley. The two columns of names on the right hand roll as they appear and are spelt: G. Downes, W. Jamieson, W. Shorrock, J. Shorrock, R. Shorrock, C. Reddall, C. Wippell, F. Giles, Taylor (no initials given), G. Hunt, P. F. Salling, H. G. Gates, E. Haslem, L. A. Kelynack, C. Le Grey, W. Lindsay, H. C. Moxham, J. Galloway, H. Phelps. C. Grant, R. H. Hobbs, A. Wing, C. Love.”