Mangrove Mountain Union Church What Next?
Fri 1 Sep 1911 – The Gosford Times and Wyong District Advocate (NSW : 1906 – 1954)
Page 9 – District News.
[From Our Correspondents.]
Mangrove. The annual general meeting of the Mangrove Mountain Union Church was held on Sunday last, when there was a large gathering of members present. The President (Major W. Cowlishaw) presided, and offered apologies for absence from Revs. P. Davis and W. G. Clark-Duff, both of whom had services elsewhere. The Secretary (Mr. Hugh P. Hallard) in his annual report pointed out that the Church was formed in August, exactly a year ago. Representatives from the Church of England, Methodist and Presbyterian denominations had conducted services during the year, and at the present time regular services were being conducted. The Minister for Lands had approved of a 2-acre block as a site for the erection of the church, and the Committee had accepted the tender of Mr. Gibson for £182 10s, and would result in a suitable edifice and make a further landmark in the progress of the district. .During the year in the absence of a Church building service had been held at the residence of Mr. W. H. Kelynack, J.P., and thanks are due to that gentleman and Mrs. Kelynack for their kindness in offering their home for this purpose. The Treasurer (Mr. G. Hunt) read a very satisfactory balance sheet. The President in an address foreshadowed that the Church (which would hold 80 persons) would be completed by Xmas, and urged all to further the success which had so far been attained by co-operating heartily, both financially and otherwise. Election of officers resulted as follows : Committee, Messrs. W. Cowlishaw (President), G. Hunt (Treasurer), W. H. and. L. A. Kelynack, J. U. Wood, H. W. Roughley, and H. R. Hallard (Secretary) ; Auditor, Mr. ,W. H. J Kelynack ; Trustees, Messrs. Hunt, Cowlishaw and Hallard
The Union Church has been part of the district for a very long time and from the time of it’s conception and construction has been a focal point for the local community.
Usage of the Church and hall has declined over the years but it is still greatly valued by the community and is seen as a testament to the efforts of the early settlers and a symbol of the district’s heritage.
Credit is to be given to the current committee who have continued to raise funds and maintain the Church, buildings and grounds over the recent years.
The affection of the community toward the Church was demonstrated by the number of people who filled the Church hall at the meeting held on Friday 10th April and who were very passionate about it’s future.
The on-line discussions elicited a host of fond memories from people still living in the district and others long moved away but still in touch.
The Church has for over a century served the community hosting local weddings, christenings, funerals, Church services and for many years, Monday school (Sunday School) for local children in the area. More recently, the Church and Church hall has also hosted singing and craft groups, Poet’s breakfasts, cooking workshops, Harvest festival activities and more.
A meeting is to be held on Thursday 22nd of April at Mangrove Mountain Hall at 7pm to field ideas and suggestions and discuss the future of the Church and how as a community we can better support our historic community buildings to ensure they are not lost for future generations.
Please bring your ideas and enthusiasm to support the future of the Mangrove Mountain Union Church.
It would be a shame to see the Mangrove Mountain Union Church go the way of the Golf course and the Country Club.