The Future of Mangrove Mountain Union Church

It is with great regret and sadness that the committee managing Mangrove Mountain Union Church Inc. wishes to advise the community that the Mangrove Mountain Church and Hall will be closing in the near future and the entire property and its contents will be sold.
This is the result of a number of ongoing and insurmountable difficulties for the MMUC Inc. Committee. These difficulties include: the ageing and numerically-declining congregation, lack of community support over the past few years especially community attendance at services, rising costs to maintain the buildings and grounds, the restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic resulting in little or no income over the last twelve months, and with a forecast of little income able to be generated. The committee has looked at a range of options to meet these challenges but, unfortunately, without success.
The MMUC Inc. Committee understands that the Mangrove Mountain Union Church facility has been part of the Mountain community for a very long time. However, the reality is that its ongoing operation is unsustainable and it is hoped that the present buildings can be reinvigorated by new owners and continue to be part of the history of Mangrove Mountain in some other form.
An Information Session will be held at Mangrove Mountain Union Church Hall on Friday 9th April, 2021 from 4pm to 5pm.
Mangrove Mountain Union Church Inc. Committee